Category Archives: cartoon

Squeezy-Mania Hits Illinois

In a mere 24 hours, Illinois has caught a severe case of Squeezy-mania, thanks to the Illinois’ pension predicament’s new mascot, Squeezy the Pension Python. Through no fault of his (her?) own, Squeezy attracted mostly derisive commentary when he/she debuted Sunday. Really, though, the video in which Squeezy appears offers a pretty good explanation the problem. Plus, it opens the exciting possibility of a pension reform bill written in Parseltongue.

Squeezy The Python Reboot Illinois Pension Issue



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Great Political Cartoon from Scott Stantis Today

You need not live in Cook County to feel Scott Stantis’ message in this cartoon. Change the bucket’s label to “Illinois” and the whole state can relate.,0,7106058.photogallery